- Campaign for the delivery of a one tier health system: Sláintecare

To: An Taoiseach Micheal Martin & Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly

Taoiseach, A chara,
Minister Donnelly, A chara,

We ask you to reinstate an independent Board to oversee the delivery of Sláintecare and allow it to drive the program of Sláintecare in its original vision and spirit as the all party deliverable it is.

We ask you as Taoiseach & Minister for health of this country, to stand up to the resistance to change within Government Departments and the HSE.

We ask you to prioritise and put in place independent oversight of senior management in both the HSE and Department of Health.

We ask you to urgently and proactively enable the Sláintecare board, the HSE & the Department of Health to adequately resource hospitals with consultants and communities with GPs and GPNs. Resolve the pay issue for consultants and engage with GPs to develop a relevant contract and support structure that will save primary care and enable continuity of care to patients.

We ask you to acknowledge that there is a crisis, healthcare workers are burnt out, they are leaving the country and their profession in alarming numbers. We are waiting unable to access the care we need.

We are all patients, we are out of patience, we revolt.

We ask you to act.